Our Adult Daycare Homes Offer Families The Resources To Stay Together

Rest & Relax for Family Caregivers

Our Adult Daycare Home providers offer a much needed SOLUTION - Day care for your loved one(s) - giving YOU, the family caregiver, much needed breaks. Whether you need to run errands, just need some time off to relax/sleep, or whatever your reasons. Any day, any time, for any reason, our providers share their love and their home, the same as you give in your home.

If you are interested in starting your own Adult Daycare Home, give us a call to learn more about joining the family of providers at J.O.Y. (Just. Older. Youths.) Consulting! We are hope makers, keeping families together.

Phone: 425-870-6464
Email: katie@joyadultdaycarehomes.com

Located in Marysville - Consulting Nationwide!

JOY Providers 20

Our Core Values

  • J. Joy - Pure joy. In all that we do together.
  • O. Options - Keep families together as long as possible.
  • Y. Youthful Experiences - Fill the days with opportunities to embrace our “inner child”.

Helping Seniors Find Joy, Happiness and Purpose.

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"Katie provides a home setting while caring for my Mom. After a stay in the hospital, it was decided that Mom could not stay home alone while we worked. I did not know where to turn and it was a blessing that I received the information for Katie's Adult Daycare from her Doctors office. She provides a caring environment with a family atmosphere. This is important as Alzheimer's takes so much away from Mom, but the home environment keeps her in a familiar family setting."

"Alzheimer's is an ugly disease and I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Mom has been at Katie's daily for almost two years. Katie understands and has provided and continues to provide a comfortable and safe place for Mom... thank you Katie!"